30th May 2012

Where Do Green Coffee Beans Come From?


Green coffee beans are simply beans that have not been roasted, they are the beans in the purest and rawest form. These raw beans are used to make the green coffee extract.

There are many coffee producing countries in the world, with most located along the equator. Since the climate is ideal for growing coffee trees, these equatorial countries are the largest producers of coffee beans.

The trees themselves resemble a tall bush, and the coffee beans they produce are in fact the seeds,which known as the coffee ‘cherry’ fruit.

Green coffee bean extract  has recently hit the headlines. It is proving to be one of the most effective weight loss dietary supplements on the market today.


Perfect Climate for Coffee Trees to Grow

Countries in Africa, South Asia, Central and Southern America are large producers of coffee beans. The climates in these regions are hot but enjoy plentiful rainfall – two essential climatic conditions for the coffee tree to thrive in. Coffee trees grow best in temperatures of around 70 degrees and they need a 90 percent humidity factor as well as a pretty high altitude, hence countries along the equator have the perfect conditions for the coffee tree to thrive.

A typical coffee tree can survive for up to 60 years, although some trees trees live for 100 years. Coffee trees do not normally produce any fruit (cherries) during the first five years after planting, as they need this time to establish themselves. Coffee trees do not tolerate frosts or dramatic changes in the environment, so if there is a severe temperature change it can affect the crop dramatically.

The Coffee ‘Cherry’ Fruit Explained

The coffee ‘cherry’, which is the fruit of the tree, usually contains two beans. Sometimes there will only be one bean in the cherry and such beans are called ‘peaberry’. These are often discarded, although they can also be sold to a different coffee market.

Many coffee producers hand pick the cherries from the trees and have been growing coffee for thousands of years. These coffee producers contribute to their country’s economy because exports of the green coffee bean is a huge business. Globally, coffee consumption has increased significantly over the last few decades, making it a commodity that is much in demand.