13th Feb 2013

Garcinia Cambogia: The Mystical Fat-Burning Fruit

Featured Article:: Which Garcinia Cambogia is Best?        

The Garcinia Cambogia, or Kudampuli, plant is nature’s weight loss secret weapon. A hidden jewel growing off the coasts of Indonesia, and in the jungles of Cambodia, the Garcinia Cambogia plant has been a South Asian dietary and medicinal staple for years. This petite pumpkin-shaped fruit grows in lush tropical conditions, loving moist, humid forests. Au natural, the Garcinia Cambogia fruit can grow to the size of a large, thinly skinned grapefruit with melon-like ridges.

Along the South Asian coast, the Garcinia Cambogia fruit’s dry, sour rind adds flavor to ethnic fish dishes, and is a special additive in Asian curries. You can also find the whole fruit and its powdery, ground rind in Asian or whole food stores marketed as brindle berry, brindall berry, Malabar Tamarind, Kudampuli and Assam fruit.

If you have a taste for South Asian cuisine, then you’ve likely already tasted the sour fruit and received its health benefits. But you’d have to consume Garcinia Cambogia-laden dishes on a daily basis to see any benefit, leaving you with some serious fish breathe. Thankfully, modern science has packed the fruits fat-fighting power into a pill.

But is it safe? Is it without side effects?

            The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate or control herbal supplements or medication. The prescriptions filled at local drug stores go through rigorous drug trials before going on sale. If a prescription diet pill has a side effect, then, drug trials find them before the pill hits market; however, herbal supplement strengths can vary from bottle to bottle, and even manufacturer to manufacturer. When purchasing herbal supplements, it is important to find a reputable brand using zero fillers and binders. And always shop from a trustworthy, knowledgeable market.

The great news is that science is catching on to the herbal movement and studying their effects. Studies on Garcinia Cambogia have shown very few serious side effects. Some users report a mild headache, nausea and stomach upset with higher doses. Daily recommendations vary between 1,500 to 3,000 milligrams per day. If you feel the need for more than that, talk with your doctor. People have experienced vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramping when taking Garcinia Cambogia in high doses. Males in some clinical trials suffered from testicular atrophy after ingesting high doses of the herb.

But Be Cautious…

            The herb is not recommended for nursing mothers or women who are pregnant or may become pregnant. Because it causes weight loss and appetite suppression, diabetics should not use Garcinia Cambogia. Children and people with dementia and Alzheimer’s should not use this supplement as well. Always check with your doctor before trying this or any herbal supplement, especially if you have a chronic medical condition or are on medication.